Message Minute (The Power of Planning)

Jesus understood the importance of planning. When He spoke about counting the cost before building a tower, He wasn't just talking about construction—He was teaching a principle that applies to every area of life, including our finances. Planning isn't unspiritual; it's deeply spiritual. After all, our God is a God of order who created with intention and purpose. A budget isn't a restriction—it's an invitation to freedom! It's not about what you can't do; it's about empowering what you can do. Creating a plan for your money is one of the most powerful ways to actively surrender your finances to God's wisdom. It's saying, "Lord, I trust You enough to stop letting money control me, and instead, I'm going to control it for Your glory!"

Verse: "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?" - Luke 14:28

Reflection Question: Do you currently have a written budget? If not, what's stopping you? If you do, how might you improve it to better reflect your values and priorities?

Prayer: God of order and purpose, help me bring order to my finances through intentional planning. Give me wisdom as I create a budget that honors You. Help me see that financial planning isn't restrictive but freeing. May my money management reflect my trust in Your wisdom. Amen.





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