Message Minute (From Hiding to Worship)

Adam's response to God after sin entered the world reflects our natural tendency when we feel exposed before God – we hide. Like Adam, we often understand God's power but misunderstand His love. This leads us to react with terror rather than trust. But Jesus came to change this dynamic forever. Through Christ's sacrifice, we no longer need to hide from God. Our "nakedness" – our sins and failures – can be clothed in Christ's righteousness. We can move from hiding in fear to standing in confidence before God, not because of our own worthiness, but because of what Jesus has done for us.

Verse: "I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself." - Genesis 3:10

Reflection Question: In what areas of your life are you still hiding from God? What would it look like to bring these areas into His light?

Prayer: Gracious Father, thank You that I don't need to hide from You anymore. Help me to be honest about my struggles and to trust in Your grace. Thank You for covering my shame with Christ's righteousness. Amen.





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