Message Minute (Getting Back to Work)

After nourishing Elijah, speaking to him, and bringing him out of the cave, God gave him a new assignment: "Go back." Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is simply return to where God has called us. Fear had caused Elijah to run from his purpose, but God's plan hadn't changed. The story teaches us that God's answer to our fears isn't always removal from difficult situations—sometimes it's returning to them with renewed strength and perspective. He doesn't just care about getting us out of our fears; He cares about getting us back to our purpose.

Verse: "So Elijah went from there..." - 1 Kings 19:19

Reflection Question: What has God called you to that fear has kept you from pursuing? What would it look like to "go back" with renewed strength and confidence in God?

Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your patience when fear causes me to retreat. Give me courage to return to the places and purposes You've called me to. Help me trust that Your presence is sufficient for whatever challenges lie ahead. Amen.





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