Message Minute (The Cost of Fear)

Like the servant who buried his one talent, fear often leads us to inaction. We focus so much on what might go wrong that we miss what could go right. While we carefully consider the cost of stepping out in faith, we rarely calculate the cost of staying paralyzed by fear. God doesn't promise that every step of faith will be successful by worldly standards, but He does promise to be with us. Sometimes, failing while stepping out in faith can teach us more about God's faithfulness than succeeding while playing it safe.

Verse: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7

Reflection Question: What opportunities might you be missing because of fear? What's the potential cost of not taking action?

Prayer: Dear God, help me recognize when fear is holding me back from Your best for my life. Give me wisdom to discern between godly caution and paralyzing fear. Grant me the courage to step out in faith, knowing You are with me whether I succeed or fail. Amen.





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