Message Minute (Serving God, Not Money)

Of all the potential competitors for our heart's allegiance, Jesus specifically named money as the main rival to God in our lives. This wasn't because money itself is evil—it's neutral. Rather, it's because money has a unique power to capture our trust, affection, and service. We serve money when we buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't even like. We serve it when we hoard it out of fear rather than share it out of love. We serve it when we sacrifice our families and relationships on the altar of "providing a better lifestyle." The solution isn't to reject money entirely, but to reverse the relationship: We don't serve money, we serve God. Money serves us as we serve God. When we get this ordering right, money becomes a tool for Kingdom purposes rather than a master demanding our allegiance.

Verse: "No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

Reflection Question: In what ways have you found yourself serving money instead of letting money serve you as you serve God?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me see where I've allowed money to become my master instead of my servant. Teach me to use financial resources in ways that honor You and advance Your Kingdom. Transform my heart's allegiance to serve You alone. Amen.





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