Message Minute (Running from Our Calling)

Even the mightiest servants of God experience fear. Elijah, fresh from an incredible victory where God demonstrated His power through him, found himself running away at the threat of one person. This wasn't just running for his life—it was running from his life and calling. How often do we do the same? After moments of spiritual victory or clarity about God's direction for our lives, we can find ourselves retreating at the first sign of opposition or difficulty. The remarkable thing isn't that Elijah ran, but how God responded. Instead of condemnation, God pursued him with compassion. Even as Elijah fled in the wrong direction, God provided for his needs and never gave up on His calling for him.

Verse: "Elijah was afraid and ran for his life." - 1 Kings 19:3

Reflection Question: What situations or fears have caused you to run from where God wants you to be? How has God provided for you even in your moments of retreat?

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your persistent love that follows me even when I run. Help me recognize when I'm running from Your calling, and give me the courage to turn back. Thank You that Your grace is greater than my fears. Amen.





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