Message Minute (The Fear of the Lord)

There seems to be a paradox in Scripture: we're told not to fear, yet we're also called to fear the Lord. How do we reconcile these seemingly contradictory commands? The key lies in understanding the difference between being scared of God and having a holy fear of Him. The fear of the Lord isn't about being terrified of punishment; it's about having a profound reverence and awe for His power, holiness, and majesty. When we truly understand who God is – His incredible power, His perfect holiness, and His unfailing love – we naturally respond with wonder and worship. This holy fear doesn't drive us away from God; instead, it draws us closer to Him. It's the beginning of wisdom because it puts everything else in proper perspective.

Verse: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." - Proverbs 1:7

Reflection Question: How does your understanding of God's power and love influence your daily decisions and actions?

Prayer: Holy God, fill me with awe at Your power and majesty. Help me to live with a proper fear of You that leads to wisdom and draws me closer to Your heart. May this holy fear guide my steps today. Amen.





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