Message Minute (The Leading Lights)

Just as ships use leading lights to navigate safely into harbor, God has given us specific guides to help us discern His will. These "leading lights" include Scripture, church community, and our circumstances. When all of these align, we can move forward with greater confidence. Scripture serves as our foundation - God will never lead us contrary to His Word. Our church family provides wisdom and confirmation, offering perspectives we might miss on our own. Our circumstances, including both our advantages and limitations, can reveal God's timing and direction. When making decisions, we need to consider all these factors rather than relying on just one. Just as Lot made the mistake of only considering the physical advantages of his choice while ignoring the spiritual implications, we too can fall into the trap of making decisions based on incomplete criteria. God's will often becomes clearer when we take time to let all these leading lights align.

Verse: "God's intent is that through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known." - Ephesians 3:10

Reflection Question: Which of these "leading lights" do you tend to overlook when making decisions? How might paying attention to all of them change your decision-making process?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me use all the guidance You've provided. Give me wisdom to see how Scripture, community, and circumstances align to reveal Your will. Amen.





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