Coastal Kids Volunteer Form (Confidential)

Volunteer Opportunities:
  • Volunteers arrive at 9:55 AM for preservice meeting and prayer. 
  • Our volunteers of the Mangroves, Lagoon, Shore and Beach  typically serve at least once a month and are asked to view the missed service online if possible.  All services are posted on Mondays.
  • Volunteers should attend the other services for the month on a regular basis.
  • Kiosk Volunteers only miss 20 minutes of the service and can serve weekly, twice a month or other.

Church of the Suncoast

*NOTE:  The above information is required for identification purposes only, and is in no manner used as qualifications.  Church of the Suncoast is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and does not discriminate on the basis of Sex, Race, Religion, Age (40 and over), Handicap or National Origin.